Home page
Hello, thank you for visiting my e-portfolio.
The host of this very website, Neocities (an obvious play on Geocities), wishes to "revive the support of 'creativity and free expression' provided by GeoCities before its partial shutdown." One class during FSU's bootcamp partially focused on this concept of social media and other creative online content moving toward a more pre-configured layout in which people create content within confines or parameters (think Facebook or Twitter or the more touchscreen swipeable, smoother, and cooler offspring website host/creators like Wix or Weebly).
It is interesting to view these endeavors through the lens of genre, collaboration, and multimodalism: some major areas of focus during the FSU summer courses. Much of the code of this website was borrowed from other sources. The use of parallel gifs, under construction signs, blocks of text, all fit within the genre of a user created websites during this era which was known to be "brimming with blinking, moving, garishly colored text and animated dancing cats" (Farhad Manjoo in a Slate article). All that being said, once you click away from the home page (with few exceptions) I have decided to make the layout cleaner for readability (though still in the style of this genre of webpage...just less exaggerated).